WeChat South Africa has launched their latest localised Sticker range of quirky animated emoticons titled Super Fun Rugby. Recognising the popularity of stickers amongst youths and adults in smartphone nations, WeChat Stickers have invaded mobile chat screens, particularly in Asia where the masses have fallen in love with cartoon heroes for their funny expressions and body language that traditional text messages simply can’t convey.
This locally-created sticker set was inspired by SA’s love for the game of rugby and created using resident developer talent. Brett Loubser, manager director of WeChat Africa, said that this is all part of their ongoing efforts to further entrench WeChat into the daily social fabric in SA.
“In 2014 we will be focussing on delivering richer user experiences – for example bringing mobile chats and social sharing to life with seamless sharing of personalised stickers that allow you to express yourself in a fun way,” he says.
The Super Fun Rugby stickers are free of charge and can be downloaded by visiting the ‘Discover’ tab on your WeChat app.