Sanlam’s Reality magazine has been repeated in the electronic arena, with the launch of its digital edition attracting more than 11 000 opt-in subscribers in its first month of publication. The Summer issue, which went live on December 1, resulted in “an impressive number” of new registrations and tripled Reality’s website unique users to 34 000, according to the title’s publisher, Neal Farrell.
Facebook fans had doubled and emailed product enquiries increased by 50 per cent since the digital edition went live, he said.
The strategy to adopt a more content-driven approach to the publication was clearly finding favour with its readers, who were interacting more with the brand across all its media platforms and services, Farrell said.
Chance to win free outdoor advertising space
Primedia Outdoor are putting the fun back into outdoor advertising with the launch of The winBig PODQUIZ on the company website and its Facebook page entitled POD. At the end of this competition, culminating on 30 April 30, one person or company is going to win one week’s free exposure on four Primedia Outdoor premier LEDs plus a Sony PlayStation 3.
“The exciting element in our competition,” says Peter Lindstrom, sales & marketing executive at Primedia Outdoor, “is the opportunity of winning free space on four of our LED super-prime sites. These are situated on the feeder routes into the Sandton CBD. Winners will be able to expose their company, product or service to a massive audience consisting of mostly upper-income commuters.”
”We wanted to create more interaction between ourselves and our clients as well as more awareness amongst the public about who we are and what we do. Not only is it important for businesses to know what we can offer them in terms of exposure possibilities, it is also important to educate the public at large on what outdoor advertising entails and its creative possibilities.”
To put yourself in line to win either the main or weekly prize visit <>