The country’s newest reality show Top Actor South Africa is not only a springboard for upcoming actors, but international co-production is facilitating skills transfer to others in the industry. The show, a collaboration between Urban Brew Studios and Viacom International Media Networks Africa, airs exclusively on BET (DStv channel 129) every Thursday and sees 12 up and coming actors battle it out on camera for the inaugural title of Top Actor.
CEO at Urban Brew Studios, Trish Taylor, believes that because Top Actor South Africa is a competitive reality show that centres around acting, it is unique. “The show gives aspiring actors a platform to further cultivate their craft under the mentorship of the judges, who’re established industry veterans. It also creates a springboard into the industry by providing exposure through the show, which the contestants would not ordinarily have had out in the market,” said Taylor.
The show is also a co-production with international producer, Samad Davis, who is also the creator of the show. Partnering with Davis and an international team is part of a broader strategy for Urban Brew which focuses on skills transfer and industry growth. Production Manager on Top Actor SA Beverly Moubane says, “The hard work and learnings from an internationally diverse team have really empowered the whole team. Such productions further enhance our fast growing film industry and give us something to measure against the next time anything is filmed.”
Moubane believes involving film students in the production is also beneficial to the industry as a whole, “There is filming within filming on this show and Urban Brew was able to empower upcoming talent by calling on film students who have been excelling to be part of that filming. In turn, both the established local and international crew transferred skills to those students.”
“We are delighted that Top Actor SA has combined quality production with the opportunity to empower and upskill the participants – both on and off camera – and to continue our long tradition of investing in the development of SA talent,” said Alex Okosi, senior VP and MD, Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) Africa.