Wimpy, an iconic brand within the South African breakfast market has once again successfully managed to put a smile on the faces of South Africans. The brand has over the years continued to recognize the lifestyle changes their consumers have had to adapt to and as a result expanded their brand offering by adding a drive thru, Engen restaurant, play world and road house to coincide with our needs, making it the all-day breakfast destination for all South Africans.
The Own Your Day the Wimpy Way, day maker breakfast’ commercial has cleverly been executed. Showing a young man in a great mood interacting with various grumpy people throughout his day with a voice over questioning the man’s extreme ‘tra-la-la’ happiness and jokes about his spring in his step and two ‘gunzeys’ with fellow employees. The Ad ends off revealing where the young man gets the spark to his day, by showing him eating his “day makers” breakfast at Wimpy. High lighting the fact that Wimpy is more than just a breakfast, it makes your day.
With simplicity being the challenge most brands are faced with today. Wimpy has proved that keeping it simple is by far the way to go. Marketing expert and author of Buyology Martin Lindstrom speaks about how visually overstimulated we are as consumers, making it harder for brands to capture our attention. Wimpy together with Draftfcb Johannesburg and Egg Films has managed to effectively keep their Ad quirky yet still simple, with catch phrase hash tags #all2gunzy and #tralala taking off within the social media scene. The brand has claimed its mark within the breakfast category, stating that your day is not off to a good start unless you #ownyourday the Wimpy way.
My name is Lauren Adams. I’m currently doing a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing & Advertising Communication Management at the Red and Yellow School of Logic and Magic, Cape Town. I am a coffee lover, who is passionate about helping others and currently trying out the blogging scene. I believe learning new things and continuously seeking opportunities to grow can only produce a positive outcome for myself and the industry in which I hope to serve.