Arena Holdings’ titles Sunday Times, TimesLIVE and Sowetan have launched the #UnitedApartSA campaign in partnership with BrightRock, as a platform for sharing personal experiences of ‘life in lockdown’ to help everyone cope with the many challenges being faced during the coronavirus crisis.
“The #UnitedApartSA initiative is one that allows the media to be a positive force in helping people come to terms with the changing and challenging times we’re living in,” said Warren Wheatley, director at Arena Holdings.
“As an essential service, the media is often considered the bearer of bad news because it has to inform the country of hard facts. But #UnitedApartSA allows us to play a critical role in nation-building as well – where the experiences of others can help us gain more perspective on our own circumstances, and where we can hopefully find inspiration too,” he added.
South Africans are encouraged to document their ‘life in lockdown’ through video clips and voice notes no longer than one minute in length, as well as images or anything else that captures the essence of this unprecedented time. They can then submit these via WhatsApp message to +27 (63) 521 8616 or an email to
Each weekday, the editorial team will select their favourite submissions to be featured as a daily snapshot of lockdown life, and shared on the social channels of Sunday Times, TimesLIVE and Sowetan using the hashtags #UnitedApartSA and #LoveChange.
One submission each day will receive a prize worth R700. The overall favourite contribution as decided by the editorial team, will receive a prize worth R5 000 once the coronavirus crisis is over.
All the content collected by Sunday Times, TimesLIVE and Sowetan will be used to develop a documentary about lockdown in South Africa, to share with the rest of the world.
Five useful tips to help you film or record for #UnitedApartSA
- Shoot the video in landscape format.
- Record in the highest possible quality and resolution.
- Audio quality is as important as image quality to the overall impact of your video. Make sure your sound is on. Ensure audio is at a good volume, not distorted, and recorded in a quiet setting. A decent-quality microphone will make a huge difference in your recording quality relative to a typical computer microphone.
- Lighting: for indoor recordings, if you have access to a diffuse light source, use it. Avoid overhead lights that cast shadows in the scene. Avoid light sources that are directly visible to your camera.
- If you can, name your file with your first and last name and the date. Example: JohnSmith_01042020.mp4
For more information about the #UnitedApartSA campaign, and the T’s & C’s, please click here.