[PARTNER CONTENT] Since the first commercial radio station (Radio 99) was licensed outside of the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation in the early ’90s, Mark Knocker has been representing radio stations in Namibia and booking advertising for South African agencies and clients operating in that market.
Namibia offers world class media owner opportunities to reach a market which sells the same products and services as you would find here in South Africa. Their currency if one for one with the South African Rand which makes doing business in this market extremely easy.
Marnox Media offers advertisers the opportunity to reach this market comprehensively through our network of Media Owners be it Radio, TV, Print, Outdoor or Digital.
Namibian Population: -2 630 073 (CIA World Fact Book JulY 2020)
Reach: 1 180 391 Radio Listeners (16+)
Reach: 1 145 007 TV Viewers (16+)
Reach: 268 294 Daily Newspaper Readers (16+)
Total Namibian Population | 2 630 073 | |||
Namibian Adult Population 16+ | 1 788 450 | |||
Adult Population Penetration | ||||
TV Viewers | 1 145 007 | 64.02% | ||
Radio Listeners | 1 180 391 | 66.00% | ||
Daily Newspaper Readers | 268,294 | 15.00% | ||
Here are some insights from Radio Stations broadcasting in Namibia.

Juan Vorster
The lockdown really changed our thinking about daytime radio away from the drive times – we experienced enormous reaction right through the day. That has continued as people rediscovered radio – and we have a host of new features through the day now. People still wanted to hear the latest hits – music makes you feel better when the world disappoints. ~ Juan Vorster, station manager Radiowave 96.7

Simon Mundandala
Being Namibia’s biggest commercial station, we carried an huge responsibility to our national audience in terms of getting the right information to them quickly. Our format, which encourages a lot of dialogue with guests as well as audiences, suited the kind of unpredictable news flow that happened during lockdown. Our audiences responded so positively, we became a trusted adviser in a sea of fake news. ~ Simon Mundandala, station manager Omulunga Radio

Deon van Rensburg
NOVA 1035 launched during lockdown, as a way of giving a platform to long form news and actuality when Namibia needed to stay up to date with the rapidly changing environment. We became the trusted platform that spoke to people that KNEW, and the traction we have experienced for our national AC format has been fantastic. ~ Deon van Rensburg, station manager NOVA 1035

KC Butshe
Fresh FM believes in letting our listeners speak, and they certainly kept us busy this year. It quickly became obvious just how important it was to have a platform that was a trusted space, and Fresh FM took that role very seriously. In between playing the sound of our youth, we also became a counsellor, therapist, best friend and fellow victim. Radio became very important again this year! ~ KC Butshe, FResh FM

Gary Stroebel
What a weird year for radio – audiences rocketed whilst revenues plummeted. We made that radio was forefront of people experience this year – our stations were led by what the audiences needed, and we also launched our Future Media News platform. Given that we reach 55% of all adult Namibians across our four national radio stations, the news brand built quickly and already now one of the most trusted platforms for accurate news and information. There is no doubt that radio has emerged more powerful, trusted and respected than ever. ~ Gary Stroebel, CEO Future Media
About Marnox Media
Marnox Media was established in September 2002 as an independent media/advertising representative company, which buys media into Africa for print, radio, television, outdoor and online advertising.
Implementing advertising campaigns into Africa is as simple as:
- Selecting the countries you would like to advertise in
- Defining your budget, time frame, objectives and requirements.
- Clicking the ‘send” button on an e-mail to us and Marnox Media will take care of the rest!
Or you can request ratecards and information for the countries and media you would like to advertise in.
You can then plan your media schedules and book the space with us.
We will ensure that your advertising is booked and flighted. We handle all the payments to the various media owners.
We provide you with proof of flighting as well.
Please contact us so we can impress you with our professional service!