Students, they say, are a fickle bunch. Brand choices change minute-by-minute, day by day. Their choices are extensions of themselves, and their interests, the crew they hang with, the music they listen to.
Campus Media understand the breed and have looked at ways to get the attention and loyalty of the lucrative student market. The company uses interactive activations to communicate with the student even employing students from their respective campuses as part of the activation team.
Most campaigns are done on a dual level with supporting brand reinforcement in the form of billboards on campus, building wraps and backlit scrolling displays, which remain on site long after a promotion has ended. These are placed at strategic high traffic zones on campus. Students enjoy the high energy that surrounds the campaigns and can identify with the youthful faces that engage them to participate in the promotion.
A great example of this was O-Week 2011 at the University of the Witwatersrand, where students huddled around the Campus Media stand to receive free goodies in exchange for their loyalty to Campus Media on the twitterverse or Facebook. True to form – out came the latest cellphones linking them to the Internet and showing the promoters they had done what’s required to claim their prize.
Campus Media also have Campus TV- a satellite broadcasting television station with a tailor made broadcasting schedule just for students. This reaches approximately 320 000 students across 17 of the largest campuses in South Africa.