Briefly… Two weeks left to book for AMASA’s Media Planning Workshop; House and Leisure presents pure luxury this month; Posterscope SA launches OCS 2, the Out of Home Consumer survey; Is the mall a brand or just a convenient location? Publisher, agency join hands to help NGO; ADreach assists in warming the children of Soweto; Mall Active tasked to create hype for Gautrain’s final construction phase; Nashua Mobile donations to Food & Trees for Africa top R1m
Two weeks left to book for AMASA’s Media Planning Workshop
It’s almost time for AMASA Johannesburg’s annual Media Planning Workshop which is themed ‘Back to Basics’, and is designed to equip delegates with tools of the trade, Telmar know-how, give a review on the creative process, dissect relevant and impactful campaigns and cover the fundamentals of media planning.
Delivering powerful industry relevant knowledge, this year’s guest speaker lineup includes a range of high profile media, advertising and corporate thought leaders including Gordon Muller (GSM Quadrant), Chris Botha (The MediaShop), Ryan Williams (Nota Bene), Luisa Belter (Consultant at-large) and Helen Alexander (Ogilvy Dbn), who will share their extensive knowledge with the delegates.
A great success each year, the workshop is enormously valuable for media planners, marketers and media owners who face the challenges of a highly fragmented media environment. Delegates will be taken through a practical course on strategy development, presentation, evaluation of the media planning process and will be called to respond to a factual client brief with a full media strategy.
The 2011 Media Planning Workshop costs:
R7 999 (incl. VAT) for AMASA members
R9 999 (incl. VAT) for non-members.
Price includes accommodation, meals, transport to and from the venue, all lecture notes and stationery. For enrolment forms visit <> and submit to
House and Leisure presents pure luxury this month
Nothing beats experiencing pure luxury and the resulting warm, comforting feeling that you are in the presence of something of value and substance. Yet, more than this, it’s a state of mind in which budgetary constraints need not be a hindrance.
“Paging through this issue it’s hard not to find something to hanker after,” says Naomi Larkin, editor of House and Leisure. “Luxury doesn’t have to mean money but it certainly means the freedom to explore, dream, design and create.”
From a breathtaking house in Westcliff to a contemporary home in Higgovale, from a luxurious sleepover in KwaZulu-Natal to the gastronomic tour of Italy’s Piedmont region, HL has covered all the luxurious bases, not to mention the style shapers and designers who make it happen.
Highlights from the August 2011 Luxury Issue include:
- 46 South Africans you should know. HL presents the style shapers and rising stars on the South African design, art, interior, food and fashion scene.
- 40 pages of South Africa’s ultimate dream homes.
- A fictional feast that waves a magical spell – one food story not to miss this year.
Posterscope SA launches OCS 2, the Out of Home Consumer survey
Posterscope has launched OCS 2, their second Out of Home Consumer Survey. OCS 2 is the world’s most in depth study of consumer behaviour in relation to Out of Home advertising. The first OCS study was launched in 2009 and 2011 sees additional insights being tabled including updated data regarding technology use and direct benchmarking against other above the line media including print and television.
“Consumer insights are a very important facet in making media decisions and historically these insights have been based on assumptions,” said Erik Warburg, managing director, Posterscope South Africa. “With OCS 2, the sample of people surveyed is very comprehensive thus these insights are very accurate and will add tremendous value to agencies and companies using Out of Home advertising as their preferred medium.”
Some of the latest insights include:
· 50% of tertiary education students rely on taxis as their mode of transport and a mere 8% drive cars.
· 3 out of 4 males agree that billboards on the main road are influential.
· 76% of students take note of billboards when they are static in traffic.
· 4 out of 5 females between 18 and 24 have been influenced into buying something from electronic billboards inside a grocery store.
· 3 in 10 will respond after seeing a billboard which has an SMS to reply to.
· Over 70% of women have bought something in a clothing store because of an electronic advert in the store.
· Over 85% of women trust advertising in shopping centres.
Is the mall a brand or just a convenient location?
Unlimited and Marketing Mix are hosting the Shopper Solutions Conference in Johannesburg on the August 23 and in Cape Town on the August 26. The conference will delve into the shopper psyche and look at how brands, retailers and marketers can co-ordinate marketing strategies to create sustainable brand identities to differentiate themselves from other malls.
“Marketers need to identify and deliver the mix of shopper solutions which will attract and retain the shopper. It is crucial to integrate major brands and retailers into the overall marketing plan. The challenge is to communicate the positioning, the attractions and the services whilst breaking through the marketing clutter. This naturally leads to a focus on innovative “best practice” marketing solutions, and an integrated approach making us of all relevant and available communication channels,” says Doug Mayne, MD of Primedia Lifestyle.
The conference also presents a panel debate around creating the conditions for brand, retailer, and integrated marketing strategies, with top industry representatives Mike Rodel, (Rebosis COO), Daren Katz (founding director of Primall Media), Nici Stathacopoulos, (The Tipping Point Cape Town), Amanda Cromhout (Truth MD and ex CRM Director, Woolworths Cape Town).
Publisher, agency join hands to help NGO
The image is jarring: a wine bottle sealed with a baby’s teat – but the message is unmistakable: Foetal Alcohol Syndrome damages babies. It is one of two hard-hitting ads that will feature in RamsayMedia magazines until December as part of a social responsibility campaign that began late last year.
The ad was created pro bono by ninety9cents for wines with heart, an NGO that invests some of the profit from its wine sales to combat FAS and which was one of the beneficiaries of the 2010 Ramsay Racer agency competition. Regional winners were asked to nominate a charity to benefit from ad space worth R750 000 across RamsayMedia’s brands and platforms.
“When we were invited to assist wines with heart we jumped at the chance,” said Andrew Brand, the agency’s managing director. “Their unique approach to raising much-needed revenue to aid and educate underprivileged Winelands communities really resonated with us, and the team involved enjoyed working on the print and digital campaign.”
The print ad will appear in three issues of Wine, Compleat Golfer and Hotel & Restaurant between July and December, along with a supporting digital campaign.
ADreach assists in warming the children of Soweto
ADreach, with various SCARC (Soweto Canoe and Recreation Club) representatives, attended a blanket hand-out which saw five of Soweto’s disadvantaged day care centres receive much-needed blankets to keep each individual child warm during the winter months. Remaining blankets were distributed amongst some of the other children from the area.
In attendance were Roshney Ramdin, Ronel Botha and Hermanus Havenga of ADreach, as well as SCARC chairman Nkosi Mzolo, accompanied by several other SCARC members. The five schools that received the blankets included Embizweni Day Care Centre, Eluthandweni Pre-school, Motsoaledi Pre-school, Nokhaya’s Day Care Centre and Nomalanga Day School.
Residents of Johannesburg and surrounding areas were encouraged via various channels, to drop off their new blankets or to purchase one on site to be added to the donations. One such communication medium took the form of a Facebook ‘Pledge Page’. The initiative was also promoted via ADreach Street Pole Ads flighted across Johannesburg.
“It was such a heart-warming experience to be able to give something back to the people and to observe the generosity of individuals. What was even more endearing was to bear witness to the youngsters from SCARC as they went into their own communities and interacted with the little children,” said ADreach’s Ronel Botha.
Mall Active to create hype for Gautrain’s final phase
Unlimited’s shopping mall activation specialist, Mall Active, has been tasked activating a multifaceted campaign to educate, inform and excite the public about the final construction stage of the Gautrain, within select key malls.
With the highways in Gauteng getting busier by the day and, in the near future, more expensive to travel on, the Gautrain offers a viable alternative to commuters. Mall Active customised a comprehensive activation campaign to reach the critical mass of vehicle owners who regularly travel on Gauteng’s roads.
Mall Active’s Travis Brown explains. “The biggest advantage of mall activations for the Gautrain is in close proximity of the malls to the various stations. Malls are a gathering point for consumers, especially those that are financially active and could make use of the Gautrain service. We’re bringing the Gautrain to life for the consumer and demonstrating its ease and convenience in a uniquely tactile way.”
To emphasise the convenience the service offers, the activation platform was designed to mimic the look and feel of the actual train and included interactive touch screens to enable the public to browse features, alongside a ticket vending machine where consumers could purchase Gautrain tickets without having to queue at the stations. Gautrain brand ambassadors were employed to hand out educational leaflets and answer any questions arising from an audio visual presentation.
Nashua Mobile donations to Food & Trees for Africa top R1m
Nashua Mobile is set to present a cheque of R383 480.00 to Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA), bringing the total donations it has made to the environmental organisation over the past three years to more than R1m.
FTFA is South Africa’s national greening social enterprise that contributes to climate change action, food security and greening. In a drive to convert its customers to electronic billing, Nashua Mobile in September 2008, committed to donate R10 to FTFA for every customer that opted to receive electronic rather than paper bills.
Thanks to the success of this project, FTFA has already been able to plant over 7 200 trees across the nation and train 126 unemployed people in disadvantaged communities. With the latest cheque, FTFA will be able to plant a further 4 261 trees throughout South Africa.
“By converting more than 100 000 customers from paper-based to electronic billing we have already significantly reduced our carbon footprint. By donating some of the money we are saving in our shift from paper billing to FTFA, we hope to help make South Africa a significantly greener country,” says Tim Walter, executive head of marketing at Nashua Mobile.
“As more customers continue to move away from paper-based bills, they are helping to save numerous trees and countless litres of water, as well as to reduce solid waste and toxic air pollutants,” he adds.
Jeunesse Park, Founder of FTFA says that the funds raised through the project are being used to plant much-needed trees in disadvantaged communities, helping to improve quality of life. The social, health and environmental benefits of greening are manifold. Through the Trees for Homes Nashua Mobile Project, 2 450 trees have been planted in Cosmo City, 1 718 trees in Barberton in Mpumalanga, 570 trees in Riverlea near Soccer City, 500 trees in Orlando East, 440 trees in Mogale City, 500 trees in Rustenburg, 500 trees in Bloemfontein and 500 were planted in Waterloo in KwaZulu Natal in March 2011.