The Media Online is launching a simple and effective press office for media companies today [1 February 2018]. The press office will provide these companies with an additional opportunity to increase their exposure on a platform that is guided by the payoff line: Targeted. Relevant. Useful.
“We are very excited to launch our very own press office. This brand extension came about after many people started asking for it. We explored a number of global offerings to get an idea of best practice, to guide us on how to put that knowledge into action on The Media Online. We know our clients and our readers very well. We know what content appeals to, inspires and informs them. We understand the power of rich and credible content and how this can have a positive impact on a brand,” says Sandra Gordon, managing director of Wag The Dog.
The Media Online will be offering a 12-month standard press office package plus add-ons to increase the opportunity to be read. To save users the hassle of writing and filming their own content, our multimedia journalists can provide this service at a nominal fee.
Standing out from the clutter
When The Media Online explored global press offices several things were realised. What stood out were negatives based on user confusion caused by clutter, difficulty in finding information and the inability to differentiate between paid vs unpaid content. “To eradicate this confusion, our press office will focus on relevant content. This means our users spend more time on our press office,” adds Gordon.
Easy to reach. Easy to navigate
The press office is reached via The Media Online navigation bar. No searching for an ad link or logo to find what you are looking for. Once clicked, users quickly reach the press office landing page that features client logos under their chosen sector/s namely; radio, digital, out-of-home etc., listed in alphabetical order. A company’s branded page will contain their logo, brands, key contact details and press releases with access to further information via social media links.
The perks for advertisers and users
“We want our advertisers to get value for their money and users to acquire really useful and relevant information from our press office,” says Gordon. “The landing page on the press office is quick and easy to find. There is a branding opportunity with visuals and links to further information on a company’s website and blog. A sidebar widget on The Media Online’s homepage will alert readers to the ‘latest press office news’ and press releases will feature on the homepage for a minimum of 24 hours, increasing their opportunity to be seen. This will also be pushed via The Media Online’s social media channels. By including the words ‘Press Office’, content can be differentiated, as credible media do with advertorial, for instance.”
Should the need arise, press office advertisers can be guided on the construction of their news, thought leaders, trends and opinion pieces by trained journalists. They do not have to advertise with The Media Online or own a press office page in order to get their news published. The Media Online will assess all editorial on relevance to their readership but publication is not guaranteed if a company does not have a press office page.
“Our goal at The Media Online is to remain the definitive online point of reference for the media industry. The Press Office is another option and source of content that will benefit advertisers and readers,” concludes Gordon.
For more information on the Press Office package, add-ons, costs and subscriptions, please contact Kalyn Fagan on and 060 642 5177.