In order to keep you up to date with the latest, biggest breaking news in the media world, The Media Online is launching a new offering. An SMS messaging service will bring the news straight to your mobile, allowing you to keep in the know on the go, wherever you are!
All that is required is that you send your mobile number, along with your name, company and position, in an email to and You will be added to our mobile database and will receive an SMS with important news whenever something of significance occurs.
SMSes will be kept to a minimum; you will not be spammed, and your mobile number will not be given out to any other party or utilised for any other purpose apart from this mobile media news service.
If you want to be the first among your family and friends to know what is happening in the media world, then you won’t want to miss out on this offering! Send an email with your mobile number along with your name, company and position to and today.