A core principle of media planning is to balance and assign ratings across the entire target market (TM). Media Imperatives (MI) was developed to do just this.
In a nutshell the tool enables users to segment one medium’s audience into Light, Medium and Heavy (LMH) users, and cross-tab with LMH users of a second medium. Targeted consumers are then assigned to a particular imperative segment in the matrix, based on their cross-consumption of the two media types being examined.
At a glance, planners are able to assess whether the planned schedule – be it TV and Radio or TV and Reading (digital and print) – is actually reaching all segments of the TM with a similar media weight, plus identify the size of each segment and balance the media plan to ensure reach and frequency ratings are equalised across all consumers.
The Publisher Research Council (PRC) is committed to providing data that media planners find useful and easy to access and has pre-coded MI onto the FUSION 2020 survey on both Telmar and Clear Decisions. Users can quickly and easily check that campaigns reach all segments of the TM and subsequently apportion ratings across the entire MI matrix, allowing one to see which combinations of media types offer the best apportioned media weight to the market.
The detailed deck available at prc.za.com includes SEM data such as the bottom 30% of the market accounting for less than 10% of sales in many categories, and SEM Supergroup 5 accounting for over 50% of income.
At a recent presentation of MI to the AMF Coastal Committee, the Publisher Research Council was complimented on its commitment to provide the marketing and media industry with informative data that provides deeper insights and for supporting the crucial role of media planning that meets ROI expectations.
In support of the PRC’s endeavour, this statement from the AMF encapsulates the PRC’s intentions. “In the planning cycle, not enough attention is paid to the inter media decision making process, and this is way more crucial in terms of campaign ROI, than the intra media decision on which individual platforms to select.”